In many countries, young people are granted certain privileges and responsibilities at the age of sixteen. Clearly parents have a responsibility to both care for and prepare their children as they approach this important milestone. To what degree should parents intervene in the lives of their 14-15 year-old children?
As children grow up, they can be increasingly responsible for making their own decisions. However, until a young person is ready to live independently, parents still have a responsibility for guiding their children. In this essay, I will outline two main areas in which I believe parents should continue to exercise some control over their adolescent children.
Model answer
As children grow up, they can be increasingly responsible for making their own decisions. However, until a young person is ready to live independently, parents still have a responsibility for guiding their children. In this essay, I will outline two main areas in which I believe parents should continue to exercise some control over their adolescent children.

The most important area is safety. Learning to manage risk is clearly very important. However, because children often have less experience of and therefore less awareness of adverse consequences, they are not always able to take sensible precautions. Because, for example, they may never have been robbed whilst outdoors at night, they may assume that this can never happen to them. Parents should, therefore, intervene to help their children understand and manage risk. In the example above, they could help their child arrange suitable transport.
Another area in which a degree of parental intervention is necessary is in considering long-term interests. Young people sometimes have a tendency to prioritise short-term needs and wants over longer-term goals. They may, for instance, choose to attend a sporting event or social occasion rather than study for an exam that is weeks in the future. Parents can help their children by insisting that certain responsibilities are met before privileges are granted. Children would not only be helped to achieve their goals but would also learn how to manage their time.
In summary, parents should allow their adolescent children a degree of autonomy but continue to exercise some control. If they intervene with a view to helping their child learn to make good decisions independently, they are likely to see the best outcome.
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